Aggravated Speeding

“Aggravated speeding” is a crime in Illinois. It is classified as a class B misdemeanor, if the speed is 26 – 35 mph over the speed limit.  It is a class A misdemeanor, if the speed is more than 35 mph over the limit. Both are, potentially, punishable by a jail sentence.

An aggravated speeding charge is treated by the Court system more seriously than a minor traffic offense, since it is a crime.

Court supervision

A speeding charge can be difficult to beat.  AGGRAVATED SPEEDING, although more serious, is no different.  In Will County, these cases are handled in the “aggravated traffic” courtrooms.

Usually, the best outcome is “court supervision”.  Basically, it is a deferral program.  It prevents a conviction from appearing on any record.  Without court supervision, an actual “criminal conviction” occurs and must be disclosed on any background application. 

An attorney who is in the Will County aggravated traffic courtrooms on a regular basis is, therefore, imperative for the best outcome.  An attorney that knows the judge, as well as the prosecutor, is always an advantage for the best result.

The judge, and the prosecutor, will consider driving history, the type of roadway where the speeding occurred, and the extent the speed limit was exceeded.  In certain cases, “mitigation” can be important to make sure a conviction is avoided. This can include character letters, traffic safety school, and public service work.

Our Experience as a Joliet Aggravated Speeding Lawyer

Former prosecutor Steven Haney has handled serious traffic charges of all situations, including aggravated speeding. He is in the misdemeanor traffic courts of Will County on a daily basis, knows criminal defense second to none, and is HIGHLY RATED.  He has been a defense attorney, in Joliet, for over 30 years. To discuss your situation in confidence, feel free to call (815) 723-5600 for a free consultation.