Felony DUI - Aggravated DUI

A Felony Dui in Illinois can be charged from a class 4 felony to a class X felony.  Class 4 is the the lowest level felony offense, while a class X is the highest.

Factors allowing for any Dui to become a felony include:

  • an accident causing great bodily harm, or death,
  • a history of two prior dui dispositions,
  • having a revoked or suspended license, or
  • no insurance on the vehicle

A Felony is much more serious than a misdemeanor Dui violation. Consequences will include the risk of a felony conviction, a possible prison sentence, and drivers license revocation.

Beating the Case

Although a felony is much more serious than a misdemeanor, the prosecution still must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a dui occurred. The factor present allowing for a dui to be elevated to a felony dui is usually easy for the prosecution to proof.  It usually just involves a simple paper trail.

However, the prosecution still must proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a person was in control of a vehicle while impaired or with an illegal drug in their body.

Defenses available for any dui will always be there for any aggravated dui.

Negotiating the Case

Because of the serious penalties, negotiating the case can be in a persons best interest.  The type of deal that can be done will depend on many factors.  Some of these factors include:

  • the specifics of the case
  • driving history
  • criminal history, and the
  • experience and reputation of your attorney

Our Experience as a Will County DUI Lawyer

Former Will County prosecutor Steven Haney has handled hundreds of DUI cases involving all situations and is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association.  He is in the major traffic courts of Will County on a daily basis and knows DUI defense second to none. To discuss in confidence your situation, contact us at 815-723-5600 or via e-mail.