Joliet Drivers License Reinstatement

If your drivers license has been revoked by a Dui conviction, do not wait to get your driving privileges back.  The successful start of drivers license reinstatement is only a phone call away.

Too often, revoked drivers believe they have to wait a long time after a revocation to have a hearing with the Secretary of State. Typically, the hearing process can began upon revocation.

Secretary of State Hearing Process

The Secretary of State hearing process is confusing and difficult.  It requires either a formal or informal hearing.  A formal hearing must be scheduled.  Whereas, an informal hearing can be done on a walk-in basis.  Not everyone can have an informal hearing.  It depends on your driving record.  An attorney can participate in the formal hearing, but not the informal. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to both hearings. 

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes people make are:

  • waiting too long to start the hearing process,
  • believing the passage of time alone will get them their license back,
  • misunderstanding the importance of an alcohol evaluation,
  • missing the proper documents,
  • not knowing what to say at the hearing, and
  • not knowing what NOT to say at the hearing.

Experienced Help

Joliet lawyer Steven Haney is a former prosecutor.   He has helped hundreds of people get back their driving privileges .  Since 1994, he has been conducting these hearings.  Therefore, he knows how to properly conduct a Secretary of State Hearing.

Proper preparation is a must.  The key is having all the necessary tools to be fully prepared for your hearing.

Drivers license reinstatement attorney Steven Haney has taught other lawyers at professional seminars on how to conduct a license hearing.  Frequently, he is consulted by these lawyers about the license hearing process.

Free Consultation

Joliet drivers license reinstatement lawyer Steven Haney has successfully represented hundreds of people in getting their drivers license back. He is highly reviewed.  Knowledge of the process and detailed preparation is the key.

A free consultation on your situation, is only a phone call away. Call now – 815-723-5600.